Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 58

I've started this blog really to try to change the way I am with all this negative energy, but what I've succeeded in doing is only driving myself insane with these negative feelings and very bad habits.

My goals were written so clearly -

"positive thinking, healthy dieting, a balanced and healthy lifestyle 

and to steer free from negativity - anger, stress, sadness, resentment, revenge, fear and guilt."

And I have done each and everyone of these things. So yes, I really need to reallly look at what I'm doing and stop it.


First and foremost I have lots of negative thinking going on. Lots.... how can i stop this.. I need to be aware of what I am thinking and which is negative and which is positive. I really need to be aware of this and to halt when it comes out as negative. Just Stop.

anger, stress, sadness, resentment, revenge, fear, guilt and jealousy

yes I have plenty of all of them. They all extend out from the same things and each and everyone of them feed each other. I've allowed them to go out of control to the point where I'm really sick. How do I get rid of these things...

Black Lisianthus x

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The Black Lisianthus.