Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day One


lol. BIG FAIL. I set my alarm for 9.30AM. And it went off, but I did the snooze dance. Ended up listening to the alarm (funny I still managed to forget what the song was...) 4 times! Turned the alarm off and went back to sleep. Did not wake up til 11.15AM.

Wondering if it's better I didn't set up the alarm... or set up the alarm for 10AM.

I slept at about 2AM the night before.... long story! lol

I get a call at about 1.45AM ... "ARGHH!!!!! OHHH NOOOO!! I KILLED..."

by now I thought.. OMG... did she run someone over?? Do I have to go out and see this dead person??! *shiver*

.... "I KILLED A FOX!!!!!!"

I laughed out loud! In my mind of course! :D So after some commotion and more "OH MY GOD" she drove home and I finally got to sleep.

So obviously I missed breakfast. So badd!!

But to make up for it I made 2 slice of thick toast, smuthered it in Philli cream cheese, and top it with smoked salmon! mmmmmmm ^____^

Though unfortunately, I only got to eat ONE slice and then got called out! However, good things always goes to the ones who give! I ended up at Yum Cha at 2.15PM! Yay! :D Had stuffed eggplant, steamed rice rolls, a few dumplings, almond pudding and sweeten tofu! :D

Then do you know what happened at 5ish? I got hungry again! Like WHAT??! I just ate!

But I hung in there (I know, I really should have eaten a snack ... fail...) until dinner time at about 7PM.

We had canh chua (sour soup) with rice and veggies. Yumm!

Emotions... mmm I've been good today. Didn't feel sad or angry or stressed about anything. Even though I kept myself busy, I felt happy about things and didn't really feel angry or frustrated about anything. Almost cried though. But at the right time, I received this PowerPoint Presentation that had 45 feel good quotes! It made me feel really warm inside! Made me think of those self help books with all the inspirational quotes in it.

lol.. alrighty then. I will finish off a few things and then it's an early bed time tonight!

Black Lisianthus x

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The Black Lisianthus.